First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague Charles University in Prague

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22nd Student Scientific Conference - SVK 2021

The First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University organizes under the auspices of the Dean prof. MUDr. Martin Vokurka, CSc., 22nd Student Scientific Conference (SVK). The conference will take place on Thursday, May 20, 2021 online from 8,30.

How to prepare a LECTURE for online presentation?

• LECTURE is required as an annotated presentation in mp4 format (video).
• The presentation can be prepared in Czech or English.
• Introduce the main goal and results of the presented work to the students.
• Each slide in the slide show must have a voice memo. Adding slides without sound is not allowed.
• Voice memo can be recorded as a SOUND or VIDEO in a slide show.
• Then export the sounded PPTX presentation as video - mp4 format.
• For instructions to record audio, see
• The presentation time is set at 10 min.
• Send the created file (mp4) to the address by Sunday 16 May 20

How to prepare POSTER for online presentation?

• POSTER is required as an annotated presentation in mp4 (video) format.
• The presentation can be prepared in Czech or English.
• Introduce the main goal and results of the presented work to the students.
• Divide the poster into smaller parts and insert them into MS PowerPoint as individual slides.
• A maximum of 4 annotated slides are allowed (within 30 seconds of each comment).
Each slide in the slide show must have a voice memo. Adding slides without sound is not allowed.
• Voice memo can be recorded as a SOUND or VIDEO in a slide show.
• Then export the sounded PPTX presentation as video - mp4 format.
• For instructions to record audio, see
• The presentation time is set at 2 min.
• Send the created file (mp4) to the address by Sunday 16 May 2021.

User support, help with uploading and exporting to the required format: Tomáš Nikl +420 777 10 11 66.

How to enter the Student research conference (general information for active participants and visitors)

The conference will take place on May 20, 2021 from 8.30am to 5.30pm on Moodle at in the form of pre-recorded presentations and online discussions.
Log in to the Moodle system, where presentations will be exhibited and where online discussions will take place, using the Shibboleth Login link. If you don't have a CAS account, create an account in Moodle using the Start Now link by creating a new account. After logging in to Moodle type enrollment key: SVK2021 (to enter the course).

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