First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague Charles University in Prague

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Deans of the Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University


Deans since 1623

Medicine was taught at the Prague university probably since its foundation. The earliest surviving records of examinations in medicine date to 1353. Nevertheless, for about two decades after the university’s foundation, a medical school existed more in name than in reality. At that time, several professors appointed from the ranks of royal physicians taught a handful of students in their own residences. A faculty of medicine was established as a separate corporation within the Prague university somewhat later and only since that time could it also elect its deans. The faculty of medicine was headed by deans since late 1360s: until that time, the individual faculties were governed either by the university’s rector or vice rector. A dean became the official representative of a faculty, he was in charge of the curriculum and instruction, and administered the property of the faculty and the college. Deans had also judicial powers and could judge members of the faculty corporation. They were elected from the ranks of masters who gave lectures, the magistri actu regentes.

History of the Charles University I, 1347/48–1622, Karolinum Publishers, Prague 1995, ISBN 80-7066-968-3

Sources pertaining to the period of 1622–1654 are oftentimes so fragmented they do not allow for a reliable reconstruction of the sequence of deans and periods at which they held the office. It is moreover highly likely that especially at lay faculties, there were years when no dean was elected at all.

Deans 1623–1883

1623(?)–36 František Roia de Aquista Pace
1638–54 Jan Marcus Marci
1654–57 Jan Marcus Marci z Kronlandu
1657–59 Jakub Forberger
1660–61 Jan Marcus Marci z Kronlandu
1662 Šebestián Zeidler
1663–64 Jan Marcus Marci z Kronlandu
1665 Mikuláš Franchimont z Franckenfeldu
1666–67 Jakub Forberger
1668–69 Šebestián Zeidler
1670 Karel Kirchmayer
1671–73 Mikuláš Franchimont z Franckenfeldu
1674–75 Jakub Forberger
1676 Šebestián Zeidler
1677 Mikuláš Franchimont z Franckenfeldu
1678 Jakub Forberger
1679 Mikuláš Franchimont z Franckenfeldu
1680–81 Jakub Forberger
1682 Mikuláš Franchimont z Franckenfeldu
1683–84 Jakub Jan Václav Dobřenský de Nigro Ponte
1685–86 Jan František Löw
1687 Šebestián Kristián Zeidler
1688 Šimon Alois Tudecius
1689 Šebestián Kristián Zeidler
1690 Šimon Tudecius de Monte Galea
1691–95 Jan František Löw
1696 Jan Antonín Cassinis de Bugella
1697–98 Jan František Löw
1699 Jan Antonín Cassinis de Bugella
1700 Jan František Löw z Erlsfeldu
1701–2 Jan Antonín Cassinis de Bugella
1703 Jan Kašpar Voigt
1704–5 Jan František Löw z Erlsfeldu
1706 Jan Antonín Cassinis de Bugella
1707–11 Jan František Löw z Erlsfeldu
1712–13 Jan Antonín Cassinis de Bugella
1714–16 Jan František Löw z Erlsfeldu
1717–18 František Crusius z Krausenbergu
1718–23 Jan František Löw z Erlsfeldu
1724–25 Šebestián Fuchs
1726 Ferdinand Leonard Meisner
1727 Jan Jakub Gelhausen
1728–29 Ferdinand Leonard Meisner
1730–31 Jan Gelhausen
1732 Ludvík Jindřich Voss
1733–35 Ferdinand Leonard Meisner
1736 Jan Jakub Gelhausen
1737–39 Jakub Smith
1740 Ludvík Jindřich Voss
1741 Jan Ignác Mayer
1742–43 Jan František Groner
1744 Ludvík Jindřich Voss
1745–46 Jan Ignác Mayer
1747 Jan František Griner
1748 Jan Antonín Scrinci
1749 František Ferdinand Kirchmayer
1750 Jan Ignác Mayer
1751 František Ferdinand Kirchmayer
1752 František Du Toy
1753 František Ferdinand Kirchmayer
1754 František Josef Du Toy
1755 Václav Jan Paschkal
1756 Jan Antonín Scrinci
1757 Jan Křtitel Boháč
1758 David Becher
1759 Mořic Mayer z Mayersbachu
1760–61 Jan Křtitel Boháč
1762–64 Mořic Mayer z Mayersbachu
1765–68 Josef Wignet
1769–73 Mořic Mayer z Mayersbachu
1774–75 František Du Toy
1776–78 Leonard Antonín Verbeck
1779 František Du Toy
1780–82 Šebestián Oechy
1783–84 Josef Jindřich Bauer
1785 Josef Bohumír Mikan
1786–87 Jan Křtitel Zauschner
1788 Antonín Michelič
1789 Jiří Procháska
1790 Antonín Sebald
1791 Karel Ferdinand Arnold
1792 Josef Mikan
1793 Jan Křtitel Zauschner
1794–96 Václav Langswert
1797–98 Josef Bohumír Mikan
1799 Antonín Sebald
1800–2 Josef Rottenberger
1803 Václav Langswert
1804 Antonín Michelič
1805–7 Václav Langswert
1808–10 Josef Rottenberger
1811–13 Jan Lipavský
1814 František Müller
1815–16 Jan Havrlík
1817 Václav Havrlík
1818–19 Jan Theobald Held
1820–22 František Wünsch
1823–25 Jan Theobald Held
1826–28 František Wünsch
1829–30 Ondřej Duchek
1831–34 František Wünsch
1835–37 Leopold Schirmer
1838–40 František Ramisch
1841 Leopold Wander
1842 Leopold Wander z Grünwaldu
1843 Leopold Wander, ryt. z Grünwaldu
1844–46 Josef Reisich
1847 Josef Ryba
1848–49 Josef Arnošt Ryba
1850–57 Ignác ryt. Nádherný
1857–59 Matyáš Popel
1859–61 Josef Halla
1861–64 Vincenc Alexandr Bochdalek
1864–67 Josef Blažina
1867–69 Emanuel Seidl
1869–72 Josef Hasner, ryt. z Arthy
1872–76 Josef Maschka
1876–77 Ferdinand Weber, ryt. z Ebenhofu
1877–78 Hugo ryt. Kremer-Auenrode
1878–79 Hugo Huppert
1879–80 Edwin Klebs
1880–81 August Breisky
1881–82 Karel Toldt
1882–83 Karl Gussenbauer

We list the given names of academic dignitaries in a Czech form, the only exception being cases where the original form of the name in connection with the surname is established and commonly used. We do not list this form of names retrospectively but only since the date their use is attested in sources, which is relevant especially in cases where a Czech transcription is unclear.

Dějiny Univerzity Karlovy, vol. II, 1622–1802, Karolinum Press, Prague 1996, ISBN 80-7184-050-5

Deans of the Faculty of Medicine of the Czech Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague, 1882–1918

1883–86 Vilém Weiss
1886–87 Vladimír Tomsa
1887–88 Arnold Spina
1888–89 Bohuslav Jiruš
1889–90 Ivan Horbaczewski
1890–91 Josef Reinsberg
1891–92 Jaroslav Hlava
1892–93 Vladimír Tomsa
1893–94 Bohuslav Jiruš
1894–95 Ivan Horbaczewski
1895–96 Josef Reinsberg
1896–97 Arnold Spina
1897–98 Jaroslav Hlava
1898–99 Jan Janošík
1899–1900 František Mareš
1900–1 Gustav Kabrhel
1901–2 Arnold Spina
1902–3 Josef Reinsberg
1903–4 Jaroslav Hlava
1904–5 Ivan Horabczewski
1905–6 Jan Janošík
1906–7 František Mareš
1907–8 Gustav Kabrhel
1908–9 Karel Chodounský
1909–10 Josef Viktor Rohon
1910–11 Vladimír Slavík
1911–12 Ivan Horbaczewski
1912–13 Jaroslav Hlava
1913–14 Jan Jánošík
1914–15 Gustav Kabrhel
1915–16 František Mareš
1916–17 Vladimír Slavík
1917–18 Kamil Josef rytíř z Lhoty a na Vysoké Lhotě


Deans of the German Faculty of Medicine of the Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague, 1882-1918

1882–83 Karl Gussenbauer
1883–84 Philipp Knoll
1884–85 Ewald Hering
1885–86 Alfred Přibram
1886–87 Hans Chiari
1887–88 Philipp Knoll
1888–89 Franz Hoffmeister
1889–90 Hubert Sattler
1890–91 Karl Rabl
1891–92 Arnold Pick
1892–93 Sigmund Mayer
1893–94 Isidor Schnabel
1894–95 Rudolf Ritter Jaksch von Wartenhorst
1895–96 Alfons Edler von Rosthorn
1896–97 Hans Chiari
1897–98 Paul Dittrich
1898–99 Anton Wölfler
1899–1900 Wilhelm Czermak
1900–1 Ferdinand Hueppe
1901–2 Karel Hugo Huppert
1902–3 Johannes Gad
1903–4 Josef Philipp Pick
1904–5 Julius Pohl
1905–6 Alfred Přibram
1906–7 Ewald Hering
1907–8 Richard Ritter von Zeynek
1908–9 Sigmund Mayer
1909–10 Anton Elschnig
1910–11 Rudolf Ritter Jaksch von Wartenhorst
1911–12 Friedrich Kleinhans
1912–13 Franz Hofmann
1913–15 Otto Grosser
1915–16 Alfred Kohn
1916–17 Wilhelm Wiechowski
1917–18 Artur Biedl

Dějiny Univerzity Karlovy, vol. III, 1802–1918, Karolinum Press, Prague 1997, ISBN 80-7184-320-2


Deans of the Faculty of Philosophy of the German University in Prague, 1918–1945

1918–19 Anton Ghon
1919–20 Oskar Bail
1920–21 Armin Tschermak-Seysenegg
1921–22 Richard Zeynek
1922–23 Otto Grosser
1923–24 Alfred Kohn
1924–25 Oskar Bail
1925–26 Armin Tschermak-Seysenegg
1926–27 Wilhelm Wiechowski
1927–28 Artur Biedl
1928–29 Paul Dittrich
1929–30 Rudolf Fischl
1930–31 Hermann Dexler
1931–32 Emil Starkenstein
1932–33 Friedrich Breinl
1933–34 Anton Maria Marx
1934–35 Richard Zeynek
1935–36 Eduard Gamper
1936–37 Otto Grosser
1937–38 Julius Rihl
1938–39 Karl Amersbach
1939–40 Hermann Knaus
1941–43 Arthur Rühl
1943–44 Kurt Albrecht
1944–46 Maxmilian Watzka

Dějiny Univerzity Karlovy, vol. IV, 1918–1990, Karolinum Press, Prague 1998, ISBN 80-7184-539-6

Deans of Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University, 1918–1953

1918–19 Otakar Srdínko
1919–20 Rudolf Kimla
1920–21 Ivan Honl
1921–22 Matěj Pešina
1922–23 Karel Weigner
1923–24 Emanuel Formánek
1924–25 Vladislav Růžička
1925–26 Ladislav Haškovec
1926–27 Rudolf Kimla
1927–28 Ivan Honl
1928–29 Matěj Pešina
1929–30 Ondřej Schrutz
1930–31 Vladislav Růžička
1931–32 Karel Weigner
1932–33 Alois Velich
1933–34 Antonín Hamsík
1934–35 Antonín Hanák
1935–36 Josef Čančík
1936–37 Josef Hepner
1937–38 Jan Bělehrádek
1938–39 Vilém Laufberger
1939–40 František Hájek
1940–44 neuveden
1945–46 Josef Čančík
1946–47 Ladislav Borovanský
1947–48 Václav Jedlička
1948–49 Josef Čančík
1949–50 František Kostečka
1950–52 Josef Lukáš
1952–53 František Blažek


In 1953, the Faculty of Medicine split in the Faculty of General Medicine, Faculty of Paediatric Medicine, and Medical Faculty for Hygiene.

Deans of the Faculty of General Medicine of the Charles University, 1953–1990

1953–54 František Blažek
1954–56 Václav Prošek
1956–61 Tomáš Trávníček
1961–63 Oldřich Starý
1963–66 Rudolf Vaněček
1966–70 Vojtěch Šnaid
1970–85 Vladimír Balaš
1985–90 Vladimír Pacovský


In 1990, the Faculty of General Medicine changed its name to the 1st Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University.

Deans of the First Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University since 1990


1990–93 Jiří Tichý
1993–99 Petr Hach
1999–2005 Štěpán Svačina
2005–12 Tomáš Zima
2012–20 Aleksi Šedo
2020–  Martin Vokurka




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