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Code of Ethics of Charles University, the First Faculty of Medicine



The academic community comprises all academic staff and students.

Each member of the academic community pledges to be guided in all their contact with colleagues, students and the general public bytimeless moral values. They must at all times consider the truth in their work, as well as friendship and fairness in their relations toother people.

Each member of the academic community is committed to the advancement of the whole of society and should express their opinionon current issues but always avoid the promotion of political parties and movements.

Each member of the academic community strives to be trustworthy and not to negate such trust through any kind of fraud, through oppressing the free will of others, or naturally through one's own negligence or ignorance.

Each member of the academic community complies with the rules of transparency in all commercial matters, which means they will not conceal any benefits they may gain.

Each member of the academic community undertakes never to use any of the Faculty’s or University’s assets for the benefit of their own or another's business interests without the express written consent of the management.

I Education

(1) An educator’s relations to students must bear the feature of co-operation, whilst also encouraging students to reach their highest level so that they can convey their professional knowledge, skills, and moral standards. No teacher may abuse their position to disparage students for any possible mistakes or gaps in their knowledge.

(2) An educator must continue their own professional, educational growth both in their field and in their general education, so that their knowledge will enable them to see things in proportion, as well as consider wider professional, social and historical aspects.

(3) An educator undertakes the responsibility that all information they convey to students is both true and based on scientific arguments.

(4) An educator is duty bound to ensure that their knowledge is exclusively based on strong arguments and never mere assumptions. If they do deal with assumptions, these must be presented as such.

(5) An educator never offends or disparages their colleagues in absentia.

(6) An educator will keep confidential any and all information about students obtained during tuition or training.

(7) An educator has the duty to foster the students’ ability of critical thinking and independent argumentation of not only their own opinions but also those of others.

(8) An educator pledges to approach all students equally without any discrimination (gender, racial, religious, etc.) and that the results of no examination will be weighted by personal bias or prejudice but will truly reflect the knowledge and skills shown by the student.

(9) A student has the right and the duty to critically evaluate their educators. This criticism will be based on justified arguments, whilst being identifiable in terms of authorship.

(10)A student has the duty to be educated in particular fields and strive for the deepest professional knowledge and skills.

(11)A student must keep confident any and all information obtained about patients during tuition and training.

(12)The management of the Faculty pledges to evaluate and remunerate all educators justly.

II Research

(13)A researcher pledges to publish the results of their research and never to conceal them if they are different from their expectations.

(14)A researcher pledges to present their results honestly and without prevarication, especially with an underlying aim to gain fame or wealth, or to deceive others.

(15)A researcher pledges to never plagiarize texts or ideas of others. Upon sharing any work of others the source must be cited accurately.

(16)A researcher pledges to admit to and publicly acknowledge any error which may be found in their assumptions or conclusions without seeking revenge on those who detected the inaccuracy.

(17)Any research on human beings or on animals must be approved in advance by the Ethics Committee.

(18)Any research performed exclusively for the enrichment of one's own career is improper. As is the promotion of any medication or therapeutic procedure based on hidden sponsorship by the manufacturer.

(19)Experiments with pure placebos may only be performed if the drug tested is novel and no other comparable drugs exist.

(20)When compiling their own professional or scientific texts, copying parts of texts or texts from other publications without citing the resource is forbidden, as is the using of particular ideas without citing the author of the text from where they were adopted.

(21)A scientist is forbidden from boycotting the results of the research of colleagues without serious arguments when reviewing publications to be published in journals, publishing houses or elsewhere, when evaluating dissertation or diploma theses as an examiner, or when assessing applications for grant resources.

(22)A superior is fair and honest with their subordinates and evaluates them without any personal bias.

III Relation to patients and collaborators in patient care

(23)The basis of medical care and health care in general is the tradition of Hippocratic medicine with its emphasis on philosophy, empirical knowledge and ethics.

(24)The basis of the ethical behaviour of a physician or other health professional is the observation of certain principles, to wit: nonmalfeasance, beneficence, patient’s autonomy, fairness, truthfulness, and confidentiality of information from or about the patient. More detailed rules of professional conduct with patients are laid down by the codes of ethics (Czech Medical Chamber etc.).

(25)A key prerequisite for successful communication with the patient is an environment of rapport and trust. Personal trustworthiness is a value which each physician must preserve in all circumstances.

(26)When a patient is requested to be involved in the training of students, they must be informed of what may be expected of them beyond common treatment, notified that participation in such training can be denied, and that such a decision will not influence the treatment and care they will receive.

(27)No patient may be given priority on a waiting list in return for a bribe or any other kind of personal advantage.

(28)A physician shall behave towards allied health professionals as colleagues.

(29)Members of the academic community are forbidden from transferring clients from the clinical department to their own private and commercially run practice.

(30)No member of the academic community will apply or recommend procedures to patients in return for money or other advantages received from the commercial supplier of said medicaments or by any other means. Any advantage obtained from a supplier must be declared and in particular communicated to those patients treated in the practice.

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