Education in Bioethics on the doctorate level presupposes master degree in any field. In particular, medicine or philosophy is pertinent while also any other field might be a possible background but in this case replenishment of knowledge will require more thorough effort. This expertise differs from other fields in that it is a branch of philosophy and its research has therefore the same manners. Additionally this field is concerned with what is not but what ought to be. It requires a distinct way of argumentation for which reference to facts is in vain. Yet on the other hand, this attitude is rational wherefore to hint at authorities of religious or lay nature is not plausible. Expertise of this kind endows the graduate with the ability to carry out reflection, argumentation and conceptual work. The target is primarily an area of health while health care progress regarding technologies opens up plenty of ethical questions without definite answers. Besides development of capacity to think there is necessary to exert also some labor in studies of ample sources mostly in English language.
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