First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague Charles University in Prague


First Faculty of Medicine Charles University
Katerinská 32
CZ-121 08 Prague 2
Czech Republic

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Directory of the First Faculty of Medicine

Detail of department

Departmental code: 260
Name: Institute of General Practice of the 1st Faculty of Medicine
Phone: +420 224968508
Address: Albertov 2049/7, Praha 2, Praha
Head (of department): MUDr. Norbert Král, Ph.D.
Deputy: MUDr. Vladimíra Balíková
Secretariat: Ing. Petra Richtrová

Assigned contacts

Balíková Vladimíra
Bednář Jáchym +420 224917479
+420 224968508
Hanták Laura +420 224968508
Král Norbert +420 224968508
Lukša Jan +420 224965751
Mucha Cyril +420 224968508
Mucha Vojtěch
Pfeiferová Markéta +420 224968508
+420 224917479
Richtrová Petra +420 224968508
+420 224917479
+420 224968508
Seifert Bohumil +420 224918508