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Developmental and Cell Biology

Developmental and cell biology are dynamic fields which integrate molecular biology, biochemistry, histology, and functional morphology, in the context of both evolution and ontogenesis, in one unifying view of life on the cellular level.
The study, which typically takes four years to complete, involves intense science training under the guidance of a supervisor and extends the education on M.Sc. level by specialized courses. Courses are guaranteed by specialists from the Faculty of Science and 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University as well as experts from the institutes of the Academy of Science (majority of them from IMG). Students can work on their doctoral projects in the above institutions as well as in hospitals, clinical laboratories, institutions of applied research or, less frequently, in the biotech development segments of private companies. Students discuss the progress of their research on PhD conferences in their oral presentations or posters. Project plans can be also implemented as parts of grant applications. Student mobilities help them to get acquainted with the international dimension of scientific collaboration. The outcome of their scientific work is presented on international conferences and as publications in impacted international journals. Members of the oversight committee and the head of the program supervise students projects and work with students on an individual basis. Students are encouraged to make independent opinions based on the literature they study.
Successful completion of the study requires that the student takes two courses taught in English, passes the state exam and publishes two original papers, one of which includes the student as first author.

Study obligations
The obligation of the doctorand is to deepen the knowledge gained during the pre-graduate studies. One of the main aim of the doctoral studies is tthat the student acquires the various methods of scientific work and thinking, so that he/she can independently set out and solve scientific problems, critically assess the results of the work and prepare their publication in the international journals with reviewed procedures.

With the help of Supervising tutor the students chooses two courses from the courses rendered by the Subject Board or the offer of the faculties:
Molekulární mechanismy oplození
Cell differentiation in ontogenesis
Buněčná proliferace a apoptóza
Buňky a tkáně in vitro
Struktura a funkce cytoskeletu
RNA structure and function
Protein dynamics in development and cancer
Proteiny signálních kaskád
Reprodukční biologie
• Transmision electron microscopy in life sciences
Molekulární mechanismy regulace buněčného cyklu
Molekulární biologie rakoviny I
Molekulární biologie rakoviny II
Fluorescenční mikroskopie v buněčné biologii
Genomické metody
Strukturní bioinformatika
• Zpracování a analýza mikroskopického obrazu v biomedicíně
Mikroskopické metody v biomedicíně

Other courses may be chosen from the list of DSPB (Doctoral Study Programmes in Biomedicine) on the website:

An introductory methodical course of Imaging and OMICS Methods is prepared in the cooperation with BIOCEV. This course should be obligatory in future, for the academic year 2019/20 it is optional.

Another study obligation is the course Strategy of grant application and the preparation of a scientific publication. As a part of the individual study plan the student prepares a sample application for the support of a grant project in English (on the GA CR form). The English language knowledge is required.

Requirements on creative activities
Submission of at least two original publications in the international journals with reviewed procedures. (with IF that exceeds the median of the field). The student is the first author of at least one of these publications. The co-authorship must be communicated ex ante with the Field Board. In exceptional and justified cases (one typical example can be a single excellent first-author publication) the Field Board may decide otherwise.

Dissertation thesis
The dissertation should be objective and comprehensive, demonstrating the scientific results processed by the doctorand. The dissertation should prove that the student has gained both theoretical knowledge and practical skills to work independently in the chosen field and that he/she can formulate and solve scientific problems and results in the context of international science.

Dissertation thesis requirements:
a) author's text which analyses the current state of issues directly related to the studied topic (approximately 20 pages),
b) publications or manuscripts in the proces of submission which were created within the framework of the project
c) author's text describing in detail the experiments of the applicant which have not become part of the published work yet
d) a discussion of all the results from the applicant 's perspective updated to reflect the current level of knowledge at the date of submission of the work (minimum 10 pages)
e) standard accompanying parts of text, such as: a list of citations, a list of abbreviations, etc.

Author's text is the original text which has not appeared in another text or publication. However the work may contain publications or manuscripts that were created as a part of the project if they are clearly marked as such. Modalities in the division of work are allowed. The work must include clear and detailed identification of the applicant's share of the presented data, including the share in the compilation of the publication. The work can be written in English, Czech or Slovak language. The abstract is not required.

Requirements on placements taken
A stay abroad at a relevant professional institution, not shorter than one month. If the placement abroad is not possible, the student needs to directly participate in an international co-operation, e.g. in an international creative project with results published or presented abroad, etc. Scientific placement abroad (not shorter than three months) focused on advanced methodology and the acquisition of unique model sis recommended.

Other study obligations
Each year the student should take active part on the conference organized by the Field Board. At this conference students present the results of their work, discuss common problems and methodic questions. Both Field Board members and Supervising Tutors are invited to this conference. Active participaton on international conferences is recommended.

State doctoral exam
In addition to the annual ISP assessment, the State doctoral examination is the key control point of the doctoral studies. Competence, knowledge and the orientation in research project are assessed during this exam, as well as the subject knowledge with the emphasis on understanding contexts, mechanisms and subject overlaps. The recommended timing of the State doctoral exam is the end of the second year or the beginning of the third year of study so that the control of the study is effective and the commitee can provide useful feedback. If the registration to the doctoral examination is postponed, the students will be invited by the guarantor to pass the exam.

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