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Considering the completely new provisions of the Code of Study and Examination of Charles University, will you please note the change concerning lapsed dates of exams, graded course credits and State Examinations, which we would like to inform you about on behalf of the Vice-deans for education:
If a student fails to appear for an exam, graded course credit or State Examination on the date for which he has registered without a due excuse in advance, he/she is not graded and the examination date lapses. A late excuse may be accepted only for serious reasons, i.e. as a total exception and on duly substantiated grounds. The acceptance and rightfulness of the excuse will be judged by the examiner or the chairperson of the examining board, taking the nature of the circumstances into consideration.
Therefore, it is entirely within the competence of each of the Faculty units what circumstances will be taken into consideration by its examiners or boards.
We point out that automated registration from the waiting list will be considered as a due registration as well, as the system enables an early cancellation to be pre-set on the student’s part.
The lapsed date will be recorded only in SIS (not in the University Study Report, known as “Index”), as for assessment of the course of study the record in SIS is decisive.
You have to apologize to the teacher, BY WRITTEN STATEMENT with no exception.
Ideally you should have medical report (confirmation) about your illness from doctor/hospital which you could send to the teacher by post or bring it personally.