First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague Charles University in Prague

We Are Here To Help You

Do you need help or information and you don’t know who to turn to?

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· We assume that a vast majority of practical teaching and all examinations will take the form of in-person presence. We will try our outmost to insure it because we believe that practical, hand-on instruction is irreplaceable.

· In case a student meets with valid objective obstacles that would prevent him or her from coming to the faculty, we will try to find a feasible solution. Such exceptions will be decided by vice-deans for studies after discussions with guarantors of particular subjects.

Current study materials and information coming from the institutes

89703We are currently in the process of preparing a unified information site with links to our departments and institutes. Up-to-date information and most important sources will thus be located in one place at MS Teams or Moodle at and/or links from there will lead to current materials and websites (which will not become obsolete).

Do not come to school or internship/training if ...

89705· You were diagnosed with a contagious disease including Covid-19,

· If you are in quarantine (either by order of the Hygiene Station or because you have reasons to believe you may have become infected),

· If you are returning from a high-risk country (current list here). Further information on what to do in such situation is available here:,,

· If you show symptoms typical of Covid-19: temperature over 37.5°C (99.5 F) that cannot be explained by another disease, dry cough and/or shortness of breath, digestion problems, sudden loss of taste or smell,

· If in-person teaching was cancelled, which could affect either the faculty as a whole or individual internships or traineeships. You should regularly follow faculty website, infographics, and Moodle.

· Any problems (illness or suspected illness, quarantine, technical difficulties, problems with contacting a teacher, problems with meeting study obligations) should be consulted with the relevant teachers, eventually guarantors of the study programme or the Study Department as soon as they arise, that is, while a solution is easier to find,

· In case you find out you are COVID-19 positive, inform your faculty and if you live in a dorm, inform also the Department of Dormitories and Cafeterias so as to enable them to adopt further measures to protect students and faculty employees (contact for the First Faculty of Medicine for these cases is

If you cannot attend ongoing in-person classes:

· Follow electronic resources and distance teaching. Start at Moodle,

· If you are in quarantine, try to consider investing into a PCR test for Covid-19 (for details, see below),

· Reconsider the notion of travelling home/away especially in case you might have a problem with returning,

· Check with the teachers in charge of particular subjects what are the options for replacing practical instruction (training). Personal contact with patients, teachers, and colleagues, is irreplaceable ...

Come back to in-person classes as soon as possible

89704… after recovery
… after the end of quarantine (see here)
… after in-person teaching is restarted (see faculty website).

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