First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague Charles University in Prague

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December 2017 + January 2018

Financing of our faculty
The chancellor of Charles University – Dr. Milan Prášil, MBA – visited the December meeting of the Academic Senate of First Faculty of Medicine to discuss the distribution of finances among different faculties of the university.
The First Faculty of Medicine has been critical of how the rectorate redistributes finances among individual faculties. The Faculty has concerns about the lack of transparency regarding the distribution, the expenditures of the rectorate and the disproportionately little increase in grants to our medical faculty vs. the increasing trend of grants to the university from the state.
The principle of the distribution of grants from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) is a complex and complicated process, including coefficients such as KEN (the coefficient of economic difficulty), K (the coefficient of quality of education), number of students etc. The university receives grants from the ministry for individual faculties mainly based on KEN (that is traditionally large in case of medical faculties). A fraction from it, depending on KEN, goes to financing the activities of the rectorate. Therefore, medical faculties, having large KEN, pay the rectorate more than other faculties even though the services provided by the rectorate are approximately the same. The further distribution of finances depends on the coefficient of quality of education which has been questioned to be manufactured in order to meet the so called "principle of solidarity". In respect to the principle, economically „more successful“ faculties financially help the „less successful“ ones. As a result of that, medical faculties belong among the faculties of Charles University with the lowest quality of education. Currently, our faculty receives from the state (resp. university) less money than is needed to pay education for a Czech student. Without additional income such as tuition fees from the English parallel, it would be hard to remain financially sustainable.

The Council of Higher Education Institutions
Dr. Martin Vejražka, PhD. was nominated to the Council of Higher Education Institutions as a representative of our First Faculty of Medicine.

Elections to the Academic Senate of Charles University
Our new representatives in the Academic Senate of Charles University are professor Jiří Raboch, professor Stanislav Štípek and students Josef Holub and Martin Pehr - the candidates elected in the November polls. The student voter turnout was low at 8.3 %.
The Academic Senate of the university votes the rector, creates regulations which are superior to our faculty regulations, votes on budget of the university as well as the distribution of finances among faculties. Each faculty has 4 representatives in the senate.

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