We Are Here To Help You
Do you need help or information and you don’t know who to turn to?
Contact us!Do you need help or information and you don’t know who to turn to?
Contact us!
Students' webmail(web access to mail, help and more info here) Educational Info System SIS (http://is.cuni.cz/eng/studium) Students' forum (see English corner, http://forum.lf1.cuni.cz/) Login name look up Information about students' ID issuing (in Czech on Charles Univerzity page) Accessing university email and forwarding setting |
Have only one universal password to change all other passwords and other settings.
Information about CAS
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Study information system (SIS) for the entire university is available at http://is.cuni.cz/studium/. Students' login names have not been changed, however the passwords have not been migrated – the passwords from CAS
Login names
The URL for login name search is:http://is.cuni.cz/studium/loginy/
It is necessary to have a university student ID. Addresses of issuing places for IDs can be find at http://www.cuni.cz/UK-1445.html. The default password (issued by the issuing place) must be changed in 10 days. The URL for password change is https://ldap.cuni.cz/en.
The minimal password length is 6 characters and the password must include at least three categories of characters: lower case, upper case, digits, special and other characters. The password may not include first name or the surname.
If you forgot your password, you can apply for a new one here: https://ldap.cuni.cz/en/pwreset.php. The form for questions regarding the login procedure is http://www.is.cuni.cz/webapps/index.php?controller=Publicadvisory&action=index
Neither study department, nor SIS administrator have a possibility to find out the forgotten password or to set up a new one!
If you are repeatedly unsuccessful in setting the password, you can send an email to: casadmin@cuni.cz
Wi-Fi network on First Faculty of Medicine:
Wireless connection to internet (Wi-Fi) and project EDUROAM at our faculty
Map of WiFi coverage in the faculty area (network EDUROAM)