First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague Charles University in Prague

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LWW Journal Legacy Archive

DescriptionApproximately 4 million pages of archival research from 220 journals in nursing, medicine, and healthcare. Archival resources are crucial to the research process, providing a valuable chronology of theories and discoveries that underpin today’s healthcare practices and inform future innovations. What are the foundations of current techniques in open heart surgery? How did modern cancer and diabetes treatments evolve? The LWW Journal Legacy Archive gives you immediate access to the backfiles of 220 journals that have, over the years, chronicled important breakthroughs in research and techniques in major clinical and medical specialties, including nursing, infectious disease, surgery, and cardiology. You'll find original research, reviews, notes, letters, and case studies. Links to individual journal are available in Electronic Journals Library.

Data Producer: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins + OVID Technologies Ltd.

Type of data: full-text

Retrospective: archive of full texts til 1999

URL: on-site access / remote access 
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Access: from the network of the First Faculty of Medicine

Also available: promotional materials (including the list of journals), manuals, user's documentation

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