First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague Charles University in Prague

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Basic Information

The Faculty of Medicine is one of the four oldest faculties of the Charles University, established in 1348, it has made a substantial contribution to the advancement of academic research and teaching in the field of medicine and it had a significant impact on the level of health care in the country.

The bulk of the faculty research activities has been, for a long time, of the applied type, oriented mostly to the broad field of clinical science, especiallly to endocrinology, congenital disorders of metabolism, oncology, cardiology and angiology, gastroenterology and nephrology, to list only the main topics. In basic sciences the faculty has always had an excellent research in the fields of developmental physiology, biochemistry and morphology, in genetics and in cytochemistry and histochemistry.

Nowadays a great effort is being made to create an original basic science programme based on molecular and cell biology and oriented, at its first stage, toward congenital disorders, oncology, teratology and neurosciences. The research has been funded mostly by grants provided by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, by the Ministry of Health Grant Agency, and Grant Agencies of the Ministry of Education and of Charles University.

Link to the web pages of the Charles University:

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