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Dean’s news

June 18, 2024

Statement Regarding the Open Letter

At the outset, I must point out that the position of Vice-Dean is not an elected one; Vice-Deans are appointed and dismissed by the Dean in accordance with university law, as they are part of his team of closest collaborators. The dismissal of Dr. Brizman was therefore carried out in a standard and compliant manner, and the Academic Senate of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, agreed to the dismissal by an absolute majority. Let us add that Vice-Deans usually respect such procedures.

However, to avoid any confusion, I have decided to state here the main reasons that led me to replace the Vice-Dean for International Studies in English. At the end of my first term, I analysed the work of all the members of my team and invited them to present their results. Although there is no doubt that the Vice-Dean did a lot of good work, his overall performance was uneven and unsatisfactory, and his activities were not supported by adequate conceptual preparation. Our views on how the international studies agenda should be managed diverged. His strategy was not sophisticated and ultimately led to a decline in applications and uncertain student numbers. While I believe he was liked by many colleagues, the faculty leadership has received feedback that points to serious misconduct in his behaviour towards subordinate staff. This cannot be taken lightly in any case.

A high standard and maturity are required from the Vice-Deans and the faculty management in this regard. I have also consulted with other colleagues about my doubts, and based on their experiences, I have come to a decision that I stand by.

I am, of course, open to any suggestions about the direction of English language teaching, as is the new Vice-Dean. I consider it to be very important. I have been very involved in it in the past, and I will do my best to improve it.


Prof. Martin Vokurka, Dean of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University



10 May 2023

Dear colleagues, dear students,

This period is characterised by the preparation of this year’s budget, a process which depends on the means allocated by the Charles University and on negotiations about the ‘Principles of allocation of contributions and subsidies at the Charles University’, that is, the rules based on which the university allocates finances among the faculties and for its own or joint activities. It is beyond any doubt that universities suffer from long-term underfinancing from the state budget, but one cannot allow or agree to solving the problems of humanities by re-allocating the decreasing amounts of resources from other faculties, especially medical ones. The Association of Deans of Medical Faculties has already issued its position regarding this point. The economic demands of medical fields are high and without sufficient finances we cannot maintain the current level of education or move forward.

Due to a certain decrease of student numbers at the end of the last decade, our faculty has for the third year running received less resources than in 2020, while other medical faculties have, during this time, experienced an increase. The fact that even so we have been able to further develop our faculty is the result of good economic management and scientific success in large projects – but those cannot replace the means that should be spent on the development of education and the faculty as such.

This year’s resources are more or less stable (though if we take inflation into account, their real value is diminishing). The Charles University is now preparing ‘Principles’ for 2024 and further. Their outcome could be – unless the state subsidy increases or the financing changes – a real decrease of finances for a number of faculties, including ours. This could be due to the means which the Charles University allocates for shared operations (such as the SIS) but also due to allocation of finances to some projects which we do not view as necessary or sufficiently economically justified. Another cause of this possible decrease is the proposal that would move resources away from faculties of medicine and some natural sciences to humanities, as well as the now discussed methodical guidelines for evaluation of scientific results at the Charles University.

On the level of the university, including the Academic Senate of the Charles University, but also in public and in relation to all relevant institutions, we – together with other faculties – have been warning of the danger which such steps would pose for the development of medical education and, after all, also the position of the Charles University as a whole in international ranking. We will continue to do so and use all opportunities to prevent the re-allocation of finances. University education is underfinanced and education in medical fields needs to be constantly modernised. An example of this is the use of simulations and other modern methods of instruction, which are of essential importance for maintaining the quality of our graduates but are economically demanding.

One large investment that awaits the faculty is the construction of the Biocentre as part of the Albertov Campus, which is of crucial importance for the long-term development of science not only at our faculty but also at the Faculty of Sciences and Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. It is also necessary to expand and further develop our simulation centre, whose use has in the past two years significantly increased and its expansion is prepared on the level of a project. And all this naturally requires significant financial resources.

In the past, our faculty did not receive investment amounting to billions of Krones from large European projects, like some other faculties did. But I do believe our faculty is extraordinary: it has large numbers of experts and enthusiasts, academics, scientists, but also administrative and technical staff – and that is something one cannot acquire simply by investing vast amounts of money. We shall therefore endeavour to create a pleasant work environment for them and support their enthusiasm is all areas. On this note, I want to thank all of you who move us forwards, thanks to whom we are the best medical faculty, and wish you beautiful warm days.

Prof. Martin Vokurka, Dean of the First Faculty of Medicine


23. 9.

Dear colleagues, dear students,

The exam period is over. It is always a time of great effort by students but also by the examiners. Now the examinations of studies are taking place, a process governed by the Faculty's regulations, in particular by the Code of Study and Examination of the Charles University and the Rules of Study at the First Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University. Last year, the Rules of Study were amended, and although they are valid only from the new academic year, they will be used in decision-making in matters of study because from the students' point of view they represent certain relaxations – for instance in connection with granting individual study plans. We are sorry if, for some students, things did not go as well as they would have wished, but rules must be followed. Examinations in theoretical and pre-clinical years started already in late May and exam dates were available even during the summer holidays.

The introductory camp in Dobronice took place, with students from all the Faculty's courses, including nonmedical ones, taking turns in four rounds. I was able to greet everyone and had a very good impression of our new colleagues during the introductory discussion. This meeting was also attended by Associate Professor Kateřina Rusinová, Head of the Department of Palliative Medicine, who discussed with the students the relations at the Faculty, what kind of doctors they would like to become, and what they expect from the faculty. Interest in our Faculty is strong and in the past two years, a higher percentage of students who had been accepted actually enrolled. There is also great interest in studying in English. Here, new students can get acquainted with the Faculty and with Prague during the Freshers Week.

In early September, a working meeting of the Association of Deans of Medical Faculties was held near Brno. It focused on specialisation education and on the role of the Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and the faculties in it. We have also discussed with the deans possible scenarios of developments in the autumn and winter. We agreed that full-time teaching is absolutely essential to maintaining the quality of medical education. Our faculty is preparing for possible complications related to the energy crisis but teaching and research are what gives the Faculty its purpose. Faculty management will discuss economic developments in its economy taskforce and then within the Dean's Board. Conclusions will then be presented at the October meeting of the Academic Senate of the First Faculty of Medicine. Next year is quite difficult to predict but we want to be prepared.

As of 1 September, Associate Professor Jan Živný and Dr Simona Arientová have joined the extended Dean's Board. Jan Živný has been successfully organising the Students’ Scientific Conference for several years, and now he will also be in charge of the Faculty’s scientific journals, especially the Folia Biologica, which has an impact factor and is therefore of special importance to the Faculty. Dr Arientová will be in charge of communication with students, their year representatives, and in the future also the Charles University ombudsman. I believe her presence will further improve the atmosphere at the Faculty. More detailed information will be published in October.

As the start of the academic year is approaching, I would like to invite you to the Number One on the Start event on Monday, 3 October, at 1pm at the Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics at Apolinář. I would also like to remind you that a new podcast has been released.

I wish everyone a good Indian summer. To teachers and students alike, I wish success in getting ready for the new academic year. And remember: the main thing is to look forward to it.

Dean of the First Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Martin Vokurka


April 11, 2022 

The friendly and collegiate faculty is a clear priority for me

Our faculty is to be a friendly, collegial, professional, open and secure space and discrimination or harassment in any form does not belong to it. We are an international faculty where many students from different countries study, and we are a medical faculty as well. The basis of medicine is the doctor-patient relationship, which has its ethical and legal rules.

Cultivating the academic environment is absolutely essential for me personally and also for the faculty management. I want to provide and ensure a safe environment for students, teachers and other staff. One of the preconditions is that if cross-border behavior occurs, such a situation should not go unanswered from a legal or ethical point of view. However, this requires that the faculty management or authorized persons find out about it.

Information and especially trust are important

The management of the faculty has the opportunity to obtain information from students through the evaluation of teaching and, more recently, the system of year representatives. They then have access to teachers and management. However, some messages of students may be sensitive, so they are looking for ways and whether to communicate them at all. There is also a fear of possible misuse of information or not sufficiently maintaining anonymity. This shows that other ways of reliable and sensitive communication need to be sought.

What we have solved now

Recently, there have been surveys, some of them organized by students via social networks. The results of one of them were passed on to the faculty management, who thus obtained more specific information from the students regarding the actions of one of the faculty's teachers. We considered it important to address the new findings. Because we care very deeply about the atmosphere at the faculty, we referred the case to the Faculty Ethics Board for consideration. The Ethics Council interviewed both those who reported inappropriate behavior and were willing to appear in person, and the educator in question, and also met with the organizer of the survey. Specific events took place several years ago, yet the Ethics Council stated that some of the specific actions of the teacher in question were not by the Codes of Ethics of the Charles University and the First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University, including the unauthorized use of information in SIS.

On behalf of the faculty, I apologize to students who were exposed to inappropriate behavior at the time. I would like to assure everyone that I will not allow any complaints to have any negative impact on the further course of study of those who point out certain behaviors.

It is essential for me that the teacher looks at the whole situation and draws clear conclusions from it for his further work, so I discussed the situation and the consequences of his actions with him in person. I also spoke with his superior, who will inform me about current and future measures in the workplace. I expect that such a procedure will bring lessons not only for specific people, but also for the entire academic community. I will continue to inform the faculty about developments in this area and the procedures we are preparing.

How we want to proceed

However, several ways in which many communications to the faculty management already exist, but it will be necessary to increase the awareness of the academic community of the faculty in this regard. The Ethics Council has also proposed some of the procedures that the faculty management wants to implement by the next academic year. The existence of mechanisms that will allow cases of inappropriate or even unacceptable behavior to reach the faculty management in time is crucial. We will implement some measures continuously during the summer semester and gradually towards the beginning of the new academic year and we will inform the faculty about the procedures we are preparing.

The starting point is the systematic support of mutual respect and dignity on the campus. It should be noted that deviating from the correct limits includes the correct level of physical contact, but also verbal expressions.

It should be emphasized that in our academic environment, "out-of-teaching" personal relationships between teacher and student during the real active pedagogical process at the workplace are completely excluded, but even after the active pedagogical process ends, such relationships remain highly sensitive.

For first-year students, we are preparing an overview introductory lecture at introductory courses in Dobronice with the information that respecting the environment and relationships are a priority for the faculty management. The course will include training on how to respond to inappropriate behavior and how to inform faculty management.

We will draw attention to the possibility of psychological support and the use of psychological counseling at Charles University.

We will also strengthen the role of year and round student representatives, who will receive information support.

We will use social networks to refresh our knowledge of existing rules and regulations - the Statute of Charles University, Codes of Ethics of Charles University and the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University, which also include the correct handling of personal information in the SIS.

The information will also go to teachers and other faculty staff.

We consider it important to be able to anonymously evaluate teaching and individual teachers and to communicate their findings in this way, which the faculty management always evaluates.

We will also inform about positive attitudes at the faculty.

We also consider strengthening the part of teaching focused on cultivating medical professionalism in the broad context of resilience, communication skills, strengthening resilience, developing soft skills and training for use in practice, for example in the form of an optional subject.

We will take some steps in cooperation with Charles University, whose new management is also planning measures, including the establishment of an ombudsman position at the university or faculties.

It is our common interest and task

I want to say that the faculty deserves an adult and open discussion on complex issues as well. I believe that on the part of the vast majority of teachers, students and other staff there is a common interest in a cultivated collegial environment at the faculty full of all-around respect.

The company always expects a high standard from the medical profession both in professional areas and in respectful communication. Contact with patients, often seriously ill or suffering is actually continuous. And it is the school that has the foundation to provide such behavior and attitudes.

Dean of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University prof. Martin Vokurka

March 18, 2022


Dear colleagues, dear students,

Unfortunately, the situation in Ukraine is getting worse and it is already clear that this war will have very serious, long-term consequences, which we will all feel. We know how our country was affected by two occupations in the 20th century…

I very much appreciate the attitude of the staff and students of the faculty who participated in the assistance. The students and their associations showed great determination and activity. In addition to the immediately organized collection of material assistance, students also organized a financial collection, for which you can buy other necessary things, especially medical supplies. Together, we have established extensive cooperation with the Ukrainian embassy, ​​non-profit organizations and across faculties. We also met with our Ukrainian students to find out about their needs, we try to help them in them. In cooperation with VFN, we have prepared psychological and crisis help for students of the First Medical Faculty of Charles University. I also ask our teachers and other colleagues to take into account the difficult situation that these students are currently in. I do not mean reducing demands, but rather a reasonable effort to help them achieve a quality education. Our help must be long-term. In addition to aid directed directly at Ukraine, aid will also be needed in our territory, where tens of thousands of refugees are heading for safety. In addition to material and social problems, their health problems will also need to be addressed.

As a medical faculty, we also perceive the critical situation of Ukrainian students and medical students at Ukrainian universities. We are aware that many of them will be helping at home in Ukraine during difficult times. They also need to think not only about the first weeks, but also long-term help. Some will come to our country and, if possible, we would like to allow at least some of them to continue at least part of the teaching. In the longer term, we will prepare assistance not only to individual students, but to Ukrainian medical education in general.

I would like to thank you all, both concrete and anonymous, for your support of Ukraine and its people. We should all persevere in this help, make it part of our attitudes and our thinking, as is the case with the medical and healthcare professions.

Many thanks and I wish you strong nerves, some news is really very hard to bear. Nevertheless, let us not forget our lives and their beautiful moments.

Dean of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University prof. Martin Vokurka

Important numbers and help links:

Funds for medical supplies for Ukraine can be sent to the transparent account of the Spolek mediků českých (SMČ, Association of Czech Medics) to the bank account:
000000-6042095359 / 0800

Information on scholarships of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University:

Psychological and crisis help:

You can send donations to the account of the Endowment Fund of Charles University to the bank account:

UK assistance to people affected by the conflict in Ukraine here:

Feb 24, 2022

Dear colleagues, dear students,

We learned with pain and indignation this morning about the aggression that the troops of the Russian Federation had undertaken against Ukraine, a country from which many of our students and colleagues come, but also of our fellow citizens.

We express our full support and participation in these difficult times.

On behalf of the faculty, I would also like to express my readiness to help all our students, as well as co-workers from Ukraine, who are directly or indirectly affected by this aggression. We will continue to discuss specific forms of assistance. We want to help Ukrainian students seeking refuge in the Czech Republic.

Dean of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University prof. Martin Vokurka

January 14, 2022 

Dear colleagues, dear students,


On Monday, January 17, we are entering the next phase of anti-epidemic measures. We wanted to give you the information as soon as possible so that everyone can prepare for the new measures. I know how important this is, but on the other hand, we are slowly getting used to living in a situation of some uncertainty and change.

The information should be not only timely, but also as accurate and clear as possible. Unfortunately, it turns out again that it is not easy. The basis for the adoption of procedures is to know the measures as they come from the state, respectively of the Ministry, or as they are further processed by the Univerzity and, in our case, by the teaching hospitals. The specific situation of medical faculties is usually neglected in higher measures. We prepared many things in advance, but with the final information we had to wait so as not to create even more confusion. We were not the only ones - other faculties or hospitals were also waiting to clarify government measures. I must also thank the management of our teaching hospitals, with which very fair and helpful negotiations took place.

Thank you all for your patience, flexibility and tolerance, and I assure you that the faculty and its staff make every effort to successfully overcome the following period.

I wish you all good health and good nerves.

December 21, 2021

Dear colleagues and students,


Although many activities have not yet stopped at the faculty, university or hospitals these days, the festive feeling and expectations of the coming days already prevail in our minds.

I perceive Christmas as a day of meeting loved ones and perhaps even - at least for most of us - as a day of greater peace and relaxation. The holidays have started for the students, but at the same time the end of the year is approaching, which in financial and administrative terms means a lot of tasks for many of us, and also many departments of the dean's office are working more than full. Not to mention hospitals, where our colleagues are still dealing with the last (I wish in both senses) wave of covid-19. We are not only looking back at the end of the year, at what has succeeded and what we must achieve next year.

I would like to wish you a beautiful Christmas holidays, spend them in the circle of your loved ones. Give each other your presence, love, sharing joy and especially the time that was so precious to us in the end year. Let us draw strength for the next period, let us realize the meaning of our activity, our effort, let us return to our hopes, to our determination.

And in the new year, let's take a piece of this festive mood, this unusual thing that will help us deal with new tasks and challenges.

I wish you good health, success in your events, studies, exams, work until the new year 2022. Let's hope that the year will be better in many aspects than the ending year, at least in terms of the possibility of meeting. But what this new year will be like, depends a lot on us.

Dean of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University prof. Martin Vokurka

December 7, 2021


Dear colleagues and students,


Although the epidemic situation has worsened in recent weeks and the hospitals have become significantly full again, the deans of the medical faculties have rejected the introduction of a re-employment obligation for medical students, which, in the end, was not introduced. However, the Minister of Health turned to the Deans for an appeal to senior students to volunteer for help. I know that many of our students are still helping and I would like to thank them again, and support them in these activities.

The rules of teaching at the faculty do not change, but we must be prepared to respond to further developments, especially in hospitals. I am glad that most of our students and staff have been vaccinated and I am asking others to also get vaccinated, or have a third dose. The faculty provides teaching regardless of vaccinations, however teaching patients in hospitals follow the rules of individual workplaces. The specific situation is in physical education, where the rules are set by the government for indoor sports. The faculty must respect them, however, even for students who cannot attend classes in this way, the possibility of how they can meet their duties is set. If compulsory vaccination of some professional groups is introduced, it may also apply to students. As health professionals, we should feel responsible in this area, but we do not yet know the specific form of this obligation and its impact on studies.

The situation is more complicated with the social events that we have been preparing for and looking forward to. Unfortunately, we had to cancel them, but we will try to at least replace some of them with other events in the spring, which would also strengthen our mutual relations and allow us to see ourselves beyond work and study activities. We must strive to maintain our community even in difficult times and take advantage of every moment we can move faculty, study and science forward.

A positive change concerning teachers is the increase in wage limits from January 2022, by an average of 5%, taking into account the specific pedagogical performance of individual workplaces. Also, despite the difficult situation in the meeting, we are trying to further develop foreign relations. A delegation of hospitals from Lower Saxony and the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Czech Republic, Mr. Andreas Künne, recently visited the faculty, and the Ambassador of Thailand, Phasporn Sangasubana, also visited the faculty, who all expressed interest in further cooperation.

I wish you all good health these days, but also patience and strength. I wish all the students much success in the upcoming exam period, and I thank all the teachers and other staff, including those outside the hospital. The situation for many of them is complicated by numerous quarantines in education, which represent a significant obstacle for many of our colleagues. So let's be patient with each other and provide as much support as possible.

Dean of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University prof. Martin Vokurka


Nov 23, 2021

Statement of the Dean of the First Medical Faculty of Charles University on the possible declaration of a state of emergency and related work duties of medics.

For the third academic year, the medical faculties have been fulfilling their main task, which is to educate doctors and other health professionals in difficult conditions; At the First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University, we created a unique hybrid system last academic year, which nevertheless enabled students to study and acquire maximum practical skills. Now all teachers praise the interest and commitment of students in full-time teaching. Our medical students have significantly helped our healthcare system as volunteers and are helping so far. They work in laboratory covid centers and some have found work in hospitals. I believe that, as future doctors, they are ready to continue to help, but the idea that medical students should be exposed to the risk of study disruption again is unacceptable to me personally and to the faculty.

Please let medical students study as much as possible, prepare for their profession, which, as we see now, is indispensable. If their mandatory vocation is to take place, it would at least be polite to address this group directly, and not mention them in the media as another formless mass of measures.

Dean of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University prof. MUDr. Martin Vokurka, CSc.

17. 11. 2021

Dear colleagues, dear students,

Let me wish you all the best the anniversary of November 17, International Students day, a day strongly associated with students, universities and the struggle for freedom and democracy. It is a day when we strongly remember these values, as not obvious, but highly valued, as values ​​that we do not have to fight for today, but which we still have to look after. It is not just big words, our daily lives are also hidden behind them, with which we affirm them.

On this occasion, I would like to say on behalf of all the faculty management that the faculty is the environment where the present and especially the future of Czech medicine with an international dimension is formed. It is a place of teachers, students, scientists working together. Their collegial relationship and awareness of common goals and respect. We will continue to cultivate this environment and we will certainly not allow things that do not belong to the faculty to take place in it.

The faculty is not and will not be a place where we could not solve even complex situations. We have an academic senate, an ethics council, student representatives at all levels, unions at the faculty. If students of the faculty have encountered or are experiencing inappropriate behavior and attitudes, we will not close our eyes before doing so and take steps to clarify or investigate matters. Students, like all educators and staff, must know that the faculty will stand up for them if they are exposed to anything negative, incorrect or even illegal.

I consider a safe academic environment and equal access for all its members to be very essential. Personally, I will do my utmost to maintain and develop them and take such steps from my position that we can all be proud that we belong to our faculty.

Dean of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University prof. Martin Vokurka


27. 9. 2021

Dear colleagues, dear students, dear students,

After a few weeks, teaching and a new academic year begin again. Epidemic measures are milder than in the spring, teaching takes place in person, with the exception of lectures where a large number of students gather. So we are looking forward to all students at the faculty. In any case, I ask everyone to continue to not only observe hygiene measures, but also to be considerate. We believe that the teaching will take place with minimal disruption this year, we will inform you about any changes as soon as possible.

During the spring, the management of the faculty, in cooperation with the General Hospital, strived for the greatest possible possibility of vaccinating students against covid-19. We would now like to invite unvaccinated students and other staff to do the same. Experience shows that the progression of the disease is easier in vaccinated persons and vaccination is also important for the penetration of the entire population. In the future, it may be associated with the possibility of entering some events. I also remind you that vaccinated do not have to quarantine after contact with a positive covid. Flu vaccination is also desirable for all of us.

In the summer, me and Dr. Brizman, Vice-Dean for International Studies in English, visited several hospitals in Israel and signed cooperation agreements with them, which will enable internships for Israeli students in particular, as well as the development of teacher exchanges and scientific cooperation.

I was very happy to meet new students in Dobronice. I believe that they enjoyed the introductory stay, and I was pleased with their interest in our faculty. I also welcomed new students of the English class, who also completed the Rookie Week here.

After more than 20 years, Mrs. Ing. Eva Soubustová ends on September 30 as secretary of the Dean´s Office. I would like to thank her very much for the work she has done for the faculty, and wish her good health and happiness for the rest of her life.

I wish you all a successful start to the new academic year.

Dean of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University prof. Martin Vokurka

28. 6. 2021

Dear colleagues, dear students, dear students,

The faculty has completed another semester, an extended examination period and at the same time an admission procedure for next year. Summer and holidays are within reach, but many still have exams ahead of them, and even on hot days, work on projects and hospitals continues. So let me wish you a lot more strength in these weeks, students lucky in the exams and their teachers and all the employees strong nerves.

But above all, we also have weeks of rest. Enjoy a nice summer and time with your loved ones. I would like to thank you for your efforts so far, which we have overcome the difficult period of the past months.

Even these days, a number of faculty activities take place. Some postponed graduations took place and social activities at the faculty, university and medical societies increased. Prof. Stehlík (in May) and prof. Králičková (in June). The Association of Deans of Medical Faculties is to meet with the Minister of Health on the first day of July. On Tuesday, June 29, a press conference on the Albertov Campus will be held at the Rector's Office with the participation of government officials. We will be intensively preparing for the Campus in the autumn. Likewise, preparations for the Cooperatio program continue over the summer, with workplaces and scientific groups preparing for their involvement. There are also other large-scale scientific projects funded by European money, where the faculty should be significantly involved.

Even in the summer, we will work on the preparations for the new academic year. Unfortunately, we cannot say for sure at the moment how it will go. In any case, much of what we have learned in distance learning can be used in the future, not just in the next wave of covid-19. To link teaching, theoretical and practical knowledge and skills.

Let's keep our fingers crossed, but above all I want to assure you on behalf of the faculty that we are ready to work on the development of the faculty in the summer as well.

Have a beautiful summer!

Dean of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University prof. Martin Vokurka

17. 5. 2021 

Dear colleagues, dear students, dear students,

I would like to thank all those who took part in organizing the vaccination of our academics and now non-academic staff, but also the vaccination of most of our clinical students. In addition to the organizers at the faculty, I appreciate the approach of the VFN management, which enabled vaccinations beyond their responsibilities. Thanks to the vaccination of non-academic staff, who are in frequent contact with students, the faculty can thus better prepare for the upcoming examination period. I wish everyone involved good luck in it.

Last week, the Association of Deans of Medical Faculties met with the Minister of Health and his closest collaborators. We discussed issues of testing, vaccination (some measures are also outside the competence of the Ministry of Health) and the situation around IPVZ. The concrete result of our meeting is the determination of the conditions of the full-time form of the admission procedure to medical faculties, which can take place when 50% of the room capacity is filled and with a maximum number of 250 applicants in one room.

Another joint action of the deans of medical faculties, this time five faculties of Charles University, was the agreement on comments on the financing of the Faculty of Medicine and the distribution of money at the university (referred to as the so-called Principles). In general, the funding system is very complicated, involving the funding of joint university activities as well as redistribution between faculties, often on the basis of parameters that are not fully comparable between different types of faculties. The Deans would especially welcome transparency and a clear formulation of the basic principles of the distribution of financial contributions from the state budget. We have proposed some specific changes in the calculation of the contribution to the faculties. We also reminded of the important role of medics in helping health care and the higher demands of teaching at the Faculty of Medicine, which at the time of the covid took place in person with higher demands on its provision. The role of our senators in the AS UK, which approves the university budget, is also important. Maximum transparency of CU's internal funding should prevent funds from being redistributed to the detriment of medical schools.
Simplification and insight will ensure not only adequate solidarity, but also respect for the real financial demands of studying at medical faculties.

Dean of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University prof. Martin Vokurka

1. 4. 2021

Dear colleagues, dear students,

Let me wish you a beautiful Easter. Take advantage of holidays and free days at least partially to relax and enjoy them with your loved ones. It is also a time when we can think about the further direction of our lives and above our goals. We still have challenging weeks and considerable tasks ahead of us, but I believe that we will be able to manage them and move the faculty in science and teaching a step further. I really appreciate the good atmosphere and collegiality that 1. LF UK prevail.

I cordially greet you,

Dean of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University prof. Martin Vokurka

29. 3. 2021

Dear colleagues, dear students,

Our faculty received the B + mark in the evaluation of science at Charles University, which was the highest evaluation of all five medical faculties of Charles University. As a result, we should receive more institutional funding for science for this year. The key parameters in the evaluation of science in this report are excellent publications (published in a journal with a high IF, but even more precisely in the 1st decile or quartile in the field - D1, Q1), which were created directly at the workplace of the 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University. In connection with the preparation of the new Cooperatio institutional funding program for science, we consider these parameters to be essential.

Thanks to good cooperation with the General Hospital, vaccination of teachers and medics in clinical years should continue this week. Testing at the faculty is also going well, in addition to self-testing, in cooperation with prof. Foltán and VFN set up a test center directly in Kateřinská. Many thanks to all those who help with these events, at the faculty and in the hospital.

Last week, the Simulation Center at the Institute of Physiology taught pathophysiology, cardiology and intensive care medicine. Here, too, they pilot students teach surgery in English in the 6th year. Students practice a number of procedures important for basic surgical skills. Over the weekend, they organized advanced ALS (advanced life support) courses in the SIM center. In the next year and in the following years, the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University will significantly expand the simulation teaching, which was also supported by the Dean's Board.

For students who work in the hospital as volunteers or on the basis of work duties, there is also the possibility of obtaining psychological support. Among other things, podcasts of the Department of Palliative Medicine or direct contact to their experts can be used. More on our Facebook.

Dean of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University prof. Martin Vokurka

5. 3. 2021

The government has approved the work obligation of students in hospitals

The duty of duty applies to the fourth and fifth year of university studies in general medicine. It also applies to all grades (except for the last years Bc. and Mgr.) of universities and colleges that are preparing for the non-medical medical profession. The government measures can be found here

The deans of medical faculties within the association repeatedly opposed the compulsory use of medical students (current ADLF opinion here:

The Minister of Health Jan Blatný (for YES) previously said that the work obligation will not apply to first- and sixth-year-old medics. Blatný added that the placement of students in hospitals should be set so as to affect their teaching as little as possible. The 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University takes note of the government's decision and will respond to the decision by adjusting the teaching.

As for the obligation to test, it is not yet clear to what extent this applies to the faculty. We will continue to monitor the situation and update the information.

Please read below the statement of the Dean of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, prof. Martin Vokurka.

Dear colleagues, dear students,

The government has decided to address the difficult epidemic situation by reintroducing duty. The deans of medical faculties have repeatedly expressed their interest in the quality education of future physicians as a priority, however, today the government has decided otherwise. At the last minute, we tried to correct the decision, which was largely successful. We called for the vaccination of professional students, their use in accordance with their qualifications and the exclusion of the profession of those who are already helping or working elsewhere as volunteers. We also pointed out again the importance of study for the future of our healthcare system. It is certainly a good idea to take into account the factors that led to the situation and the necessity of the profession, which again disrupt your studies, however, in addition to justified outrage, the awareness of the responsibilities that people in health care have at the moment must prevail. They have been making great sacrifices for many months and often work on the edge of their strength. You go to help them and the sick.

In the coming days, we will see the concrete effects of the decision. The faculty will proceed in the field of teaching so that, despite the work obligation, it is possible to adequately continue the study, respectively. adjust teaching so that the impact within the current academic year is manageable. We will prepare specific measures in the near future according to the actual involvement of students and we will discuss it with students as well.

At the same time, I would like to thank again all those who help or will help our healthcare system again. We are ready to support you and do not hesitate to contact us if you face difficulties or just greater uncertainties in this regard.

Dean of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University prof. Martin Vokurka

2. 2. 2021

Dear colleagues, students,

Last week, the crisis staff of the faculty met, which dealt with the epidemic situation, teaching and the possibilities of vaccination and testing. He emphasized the importance of the relevant hygiene rules, which I therefore urge you to follow.

Charles University has published the material Hybrid Spring, which contains general rules, instructions and recommendations for teaching teaching at faculties. I recommend all teachers (it is mostly intended for them) to get acquainted with it. The teaching rules will be updated before the start of the summer semester.

For beginning researchers, we are preparing the next year of the Student Scientific Conference, where it is already possible to submit abstracts. The date of the delivery to the form, which is newly bilingual this year, is March 19, 2021.

On Friday, the director of VFN prof. Feltl. We would like cooperation in the teaching of (not only) clinical disciplines to continue in this area. In addition to simulations, the institute is also a place of very intensive translational research in the field of the cardiovascular system and cooperation with II. The internal clinic of the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University and the General Hospital, as well as teams from Na Homolce Hospital or abroad.

These things remind us that in addition to covid, we must think about the development of the faculty and its future in a broader context. And science certainly plays a key role in that. In addition, writing articles, preparing projects and submitting grants, which is approaching, can help to overcome some of the difficulties of this time by moving forward.

Dean of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University prof. Martin Vokurka

Hygiene precautions:
Hybrid spring:
Student scientific conference:
Science, research and grants:

26. 1. 2021

Dear colleagues, students,

In recent weeks, I have tried to bring rather positive things in my texts, but there are moments that defy it. Last week, Professor Přemysl Strejc, head emeritus of the Institute of Forensic Medicine of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and the General Hospital, the former and long-term chairman of the Academic Senate of our faculty, left us. The current pandemic has thus again chosen the highest tax at our faculty. I knew the professor as a member of the Dean's Board, where he sat for many years. Always kind, helpful and consistent. Several times I had the opportunity to talk to him more personally and we discussed things around art, literature, music (in many ways I was just a grateful listener). And so I can only regret not having experienced such moments. Fortunately, apart from regret, a beautiful memory remains.

At the same time, such meetings are those that, in addition to our duties, create a magical environment for our faculty. In addition to our work and study responsibilities, we are also people with many interests and we can have a lot in this as well.

We all now suffer from a lack of contacts. And so let's say that when the situation finally allows, we will use this space and time for joint meetings.

At the moment I wish you good health…

Dean of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University prof. Martin Vokurka


18. 1. 2021

Dear colleagues, students,

Several pleasant events took place last week. In fact, it started last Friday by handing over a check to Medicinaulici. The work of our medics in this area is very much needed. I am glad that they are participating in it and that students and the faculty were able to contribute to them even at this problematic time.

On Monday, January 11, he was officially inaugurated as the head of the Surgical Clinic of the Bulovka University Hospital (yes, from 1 January 2021 it is again a university hospital) doc. MUDr. René Vobořil, Ph.D. On that occasion, I had a nice opportunity to see, accompanied by the director Mgr. Jan Kvaček and our other two workplaces - Gynecological and Obstetrics and the Institute of Radiation Oncology. In the spring I look forward to visiting the rest. FNB is an important teaching base and I believe that the cooperation will continue to develop.

On Wednesday, January 13, the Department of Palliative Medicine of the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University and the General Hospital was officially launched. Palliative will become an important part of teaching from the beginning of studies at the 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, scientific activity in this field will also develop, and I am therefore very glad that this field also becomes independent. The official opening was attended by the director of the General Hospital prof. Feltl, the event also included three greetings from foreign collaborators of the new clinic.

On Friday, January 15, the director and I again thanked the medics at the Na Bojišti collection center. Students dedicate their free time and help absolutely professionally, I am proud of them.

A meeting with the heads or representatives for the teaching of surgical disciplines also took place on Friday. The topic was the development of teaching, practical skills, the use of the new Amboss application and a fairly lively discussion, for example, on the planned changes to the logbook and the role of simulation teaching. Similar meetings have already taken place with internal disciplines and more will be prepared.

Dean of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University prof. Martin Vokurka

Department of Palliative Medicine:
Students in the collection center:


11. 1. 2021

Dear colleagues, students,

An Open day took place this weekend. As the current conditions do not allow us to welcome those interested in studying at the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University in person, this year the faculty has prepared an online form that will introduce applicants to studying with us from the safety of remote access. On the faculty website, Facebook and instagram, from Saturday, January 9, 2021, in addition to the introductory lecture and live broadcast of answering questions, there are also a number of videos showing all our study programs, teaching some disciplines, and a virtual tour of some interesting teaching spaces. In Saturday alone, 2,947 people visited the Open Day website. The total view of the faculty website on that day was 17,626 people. Our videos on the YouTube channel of the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University were seen by 3.9 thousand followers on Saturday.

Progress program ends at Charles University in 2021, and a new system of institutional funding for science is being prepared at the university this year. The current Progress will be replaced by the Cooperatio program, which is to be professional and interfaculty. The individual components of the program are now being prepared and discussed, as are their coordinators. In the management of the faculty, we deal with the possibilities of further development of science, also in connection with the international evaluation of Charles University and faculties and in relation to the new program. We are also preparing a major award for excellent scientific results, support for their publication. We will strive for greater support in the preparation of grants, support for the organization of postgraduate studies. Subjects that would support scientific activities and scientific thinking, even for undergraduate students, are and will be created.

Dean of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University prof. Martin Vokurka



31. 12. 2020

Dear colleagues, dear students,

The year that was undoubtedly extraordinary is coming to an end. In the bad - the onset of the covid-19 pandemic with many consequences, but also in the good - the ability of experts to organize research and vaccine production, seeking treatment and international cooperation.

However, there is not much time for a big balance. The epidemic situation is deteriorating again these days. Forecasts for January are not favorable. There may be a filling of hospitals, a shortage of staff and there is talk again of the help of medics, so far on a voluntary basis. I believe that, if necessary, many of the students will be involved in hospital work again. We are in contact with the management of the General University Hospital and our other workplaces. In the same way, we are again ready to continue teaching and its organization so that those who help can manage the situation to the maximum. We know that it is not always easy. But we also know that we are able to deal with difficulties. Please follow the current information. Things can change quickly. But we're all probably used to that.

Vaccination against covid-19 also started in our country a few days ago. The first benefits were administered to hospital staff, including the General Hospital. Behind everything are specific people who had to take a lot of things into their own hands in order for everything to work. Much credit goes to the Institute of Immunology and Microbiology of the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University and the General Hospital. In addition to vaccination, this institute and its staff have been significantly helping since this spring with the diagnosis of tested samples from sampling points in Bojiště, Albertov and Biocev.

Some medics working in various departments were also vaccinated. I would like vaccination to be available to students. Yes, young people are usually mild, but students move around in health facilities and are in contact with patients.

Vaccination would also be welcomed by many heads of clinical workplaces with regard to full-time teaching. In the future, teachers from theoretical institutes should also be vaccinated, at least those for whom the disease would pose a greater risk. The Faculty does not have the possibility to vaccinate. At the moment, benefits are going to hospitals and vaccinating their staff will also take some time. However, I will try to make the possibility of vaccination for us, as well as to have enough information about the whole issue.

In conclusion, I would like to wish you all a beautiful and happy New Year and I look forward to our meeting.

Dean of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University prof. MUDr. Martin Vokurka, CSc.

21. 12. 2020

Dear colleagues, dear students,

in the coming days, holidays, Christmas and New Year's celebrations await us. For doctors and healthcare professionals, these are not always days off, especially at this time, but they are nevertheless extraordinary days.

For most of us, it is a period of rest that we spend with our loved ones, and it is a time when we can reflect on the elapsed time and think about what awaits us. We have all faced an emergency. We had to sacrifice something and we managed to get something.

Despite the lack of part of the teaching, the involvement of students in the hospital was very useful and many of them learned things that would really suit them. Within a few days, the faculty operatively created an optional subject focused on nursing skills, while cooperating with the General Hospital and its nurses; interest in this subject among medics was great and moved to higher grades. An amendment to the law regulating the competencies of medics has been enforced - after eight months, they will now correspond to the competencies of a practical nurse (already approved by both chambers of the Parliament of the Czech Republic).

From January 1, the Department of Palliative Medicine will be established and the teaching of a comprehensive approach to patients will be gradually expanded to all grades. The system of grade teachers and senior grade teachers has proved very useful. We were able to react much faster and more effectively in a rapidly changing situation. Teachers showed great flexibility in the further implementation of distance learning, the faculty tried to support them in the field of IT. Cooperation with VFN was very supportive in this and other areas. Most clinics and theoretical institutes, as far as possible, held at least partially full-time teaching, because medical disciplines have a purely practical nature. Other teaching hospitals were also very cooperative in teaching.

Despite all the difficulties, scientific activity has not ceased, and what is very valuable, professional papers have been published and patents filed relating to the research, diagnosis and treatment of covid-19. The faculty was involved in testing this disease (many thanks to the Institute of Immunology and Microbiology and also to laboratories within Biocev). Postgraduate studies, defenses and the activities of the Scientific Council took place. There were administrative departments of the dean's office, the operation of which is necessary for the activities of the faculty. There is a crisis staff at the faculty, which regularly evaluates the situation. Last week, together with representatives of other medical faculties of Charles University, we emphasized the importance of vaccination against covid-19.

Unfortunately, a number of events at which we met could not or will not be able to take place. Number one at the start, graduation, golden graduation, alumni meeting and unfortunately not even the Medics Ball. The open day will take place remotely. Nevertheless, we tried to bring the faculty closer to each other, both externally.

Many tasks await us next year, in addition to solving the current situation, we will increasingly focus on the further development of the faculty.

Therefore, I would like to really thank everyone for their great effort and initiative and wish you the most beautiful Christmas. We cannot always be all together, so let us be even more together in our hearts. It is an honor and a pleasure to work with you and I look forward to another year together. I believe that we will be able to meet more personally in it. Good luck and health, a beautiful Christmas and a happy new year!

Dean of the 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University doc. MUDr. Martin Vokurka, CSc.

9. 12. 2020

Dear colleagues, dear students,

A few days ago, the Association of Deans of the Medical Faculties of the Czech Republic asked Minister of Health Blatný to abolish the work duties of medics. The government of the Czech Republic approved this request on Monday, December 7, 2020. From Thursday10. 12. By 2020, students will no longer be called upon to help, even though their voluntary help in hospitals, according to our information, has not yet subsided and according to the current epidemic situation, they will probably still be needed in hospitals.

Learning, having full-time teaching - and working in hospitals, is challenging. It inspires respect, but it cannot be disguised that challenging tasks, complex situations are what move us forward. I feel obliged to facilitate some things in teaching, in its replacement, but at the same time I am convinced that with such students it is possible to create a great faculty environment together and that both can do it. And he won't get lost in life. Because it's not about organizing relief or reimbursement, it's about our commitment and belief that what we do makes sense. And that we can do it.

Two days ago, I received an e-mail from the master Ludmila Maffei Svobodová, who teaches at our Institute of Biophysics and Informatics and at the same time, as a former nurse, voluntarily helps at IV. internal medicine clinic. She wrote to me: "Our students are incredibly hardworking, empathetic and willing to help with anything and responsible." Like her, we "are extremely pleased to have such students, promising future and certainly excellent doctors." The whole ICU department at IV. internally he is satisfied with their work and thanks them a lot. This is just one story, one compliment from many. You can read about the further work of medics in the next magazine Jednička.

In the near future, I expect negotiations and perhaps also the approval of greater competencies for medical students. I believe that with such students, moving to greater independence is a good decision.

Dean of the 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University doc. Martin Vokurka


Nov 30, 2020

Dear colleagues, dear students,

Advent begins. A time of anticipation, pleasant restlessness, lighting of Christmas trees. The candy begins to smell - vanilla, nuts, cinnamon ... We think of our loved ones to make them happy. Usually such an introduction is followed by a note that this year is different. Cannot be gathered, a lot of action is canceled, even faculty. The more happy we should be from meetings, such as casual or everyday ones, the more we should enjoy them more. So let's give more intensity to everything.

At the faculty, we have switched to a more lenient teaching regime - we are still ready to help students who still work in hospitals to cope with both. Although distance learning has found its place and I think that in most cases we have managed it, let's not forget that medicine and medical disciplines are interactive, human, in addition to skills also play a direct word, touch, smile. Let us strictly observe hygienic measures, but in our hearts we will be much closer at this time.

Advent does not mean that we do not have much work to do until the end of the year. There is more to the effort. So I wish you not to relax in it, but at the same time to enjoy the coming days as much as possible.

Dean of the 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University doc. Martin Vokurka

23. 11. 2020

Dear colleagues, dear students,

The last week we celebrated November 17th. At the Institute of Physiology, a bust of prof. Albert, which gave its name not only to the street, but also to the entire area where many of our institutes and clinics are located, was revealed. He died 120 years ago. He was a great patron of Czech culture and education and advocated teaching in the Czech language. Although these events, if we take into account the year 1939, are always divided by at least one generation, they nevertheless indicate a great closeness of thought, which is the essence of the academic world and is passed between the generations. But so does the nearness of good and worse or even very bad. And because nothing is taken for granted, it will always depend on us and our actions.

Of a little closer - on Wednesday, November 18, I attended a meeting of the Medical Committee of the Parliament of the Czech Republic with some other deans of medical faculties. We declared our interest in ensuring that medics have greater competence during their studies. The committee, which includes a number of MEPs, has adopted this initiative. Further negotiations continue at the Ministry of Health, in addition to the Association of Deans of Medical Faculties, the Rector of Charles University also participates. We are certainly waiting for further negotiations and possibly work on the adjustment of teaching, so that we can contribute to a greater practical experience of future doctors. I also talked about it with colleagues and nurses during a meeting at Coronary Unit II. Internal clinics of our faculty and VFN. 11 medics are working on it and they greatly appreciate their contribution there. Both the local doctors and the hospital management emphasize that long-term cooperation and the involvement of medics is important, they will also gain direct experience and skills. It was a very nice meeting and I very much appreciate the activities of those who, despite their hard work in caring for the sick, take teaching as a crucial task.

Epidemic developments give reason for at least a slight optimism. The number of students in teaching is increasing and thus the renewal of full-time practical teaching in some subjects, which had to be interrupted some time ago, will be renewed. Let's hope the trend continues like this, but let's not forget hygiene measures and mutual consideration!

Thanks to everyone who believes that what we do at the faculty and in the hospital makes sense!

Dean of the 1st Faculty of Medicine doc. Martin Vokurka

16. 11. 2020

Dear colleagues and students,

Elections to the Academic Senate of Charles University (AS UK) will take place on 24 and 25 November. This is a formal sentence that you can hear or read – but as always, there is much more behind it. However, it is necessary to ask a few questions – do I know who is a candidate and what is her/his program (both can be found only a "short distance" from this text on our website) – do I even know what AS UK does, what can decide? Do I know how (electronically this year) to vote? Is it worth participating? I would venture to say YES. Definitely.

The Senate will elect a new rector next year. That is really important! It also decides on many common issues concerning the University. For example, the budget, strategic goals. Do you feel it as far from us? That one vote or our Faculty four votes will not decide anything? One vote is never the majority, but it is an expression of the will and responsibility of everyone to participate in creating the academic environment and its future. And I believe that senators who will be elected with a really strong mandate, senators with many voters, will be well aware of this and will represent their views and interests well and with full effort.

That is why I ask all of you to think about the elections this week and participate on 24/25 November! Thank you and I wish us all the best representatives in AS UK.

Dean of the 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University doc. Martin Vokurka

More information:

How to vote:

9. 11. 2020

Dear students, colleagues,

cooperation with hospitals is very important for the faculty. In the Dean's Board, prof. Jan Bělohlávek (for VFN) and prof. Martina Vašáková (for other hospitals). The representation of the VFN management in the Dean's Board and the Scientific Council as well as our joint regular meetings are also important.

Together with the General University Hospital, we are preparing the establishment of the Department of Palliative Medicine from January 2021. He has been working in the hospital for several years under the leadership of MUDr. Kateřina Rusinová, Ph.D., a palliative team that provides this care within individual clinics, participates in teaching and scientific activities. Palliative care is not just the so-called "final" care, it is a comprehensive approach to many long-term diseases, not just malignancies. Therefore, I am very glad that this care will be further intensively developed at the faculty and at the General Hospital and that we will be the first medical faculty in the Czech Republic with such an independent workplace. The Institute of Scientific Information will also become a joint workplace, which will enable the further development of not only library services equally to workplaces and employees of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and the General Hospital.

Together with VFN, we started to solve the area of ​​IT, among other things, in cooperation, the first new approaches to Eduroam in the hospital are created. And a number of great nurses from the General Hospital also participate in our new optional subject Nursing in Simulations. We also cooperate in the issue of involving medics in helping hospitals. And negotiations are continuing on other options…, including with other hospitals where we have our teaching bases.

Thanks to everyone who contributes to good cooperation!

Dean of the 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University doc. Martin Vokurka

Palliative care in VFN:
How to join Eduroam:

2. 11. 2020 

Dear students, colleagues,

I really appreciate that our students find time and volunteer even in this difficult situation. Their efforts and enthusiasm show that they do not lack the ability to overcome, to think of others and to act in that spirit. I also appreciate the work of those who will be called by the mayor or governors according to their place of permanent residence. I am convinced that all of them will be not only capable professionals, but also sensitive and considerate doctors and health professionals.

At the faculty, we also try to work so that, despite this situation, studies can continue and that it is possible to partially recognize help in hospitals and partially replace it later. It would be a bad reward for students if they paid for it with poor professional training. A complete novelty are three optional subjects - Nursing in simulations for practice I and II and Nursing Work at the beds, where students can prepare even better for work in hospitals in a safe environment of the Simulation Center.

Dean of the 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University doc. Martin Vokurka


26. 10. 2020

Dear students, colleagues,

I wish you good health and energy for the upcoming weeks, we all have to face a situation that is not easy and is constantly changing.

Some workplaces are moving to full-distance teaching this week, because they find themselves in a critical personal situation. The others continue teaching as much as possible in person, but in any case, we all try to keep the teaching in some form.

We know that 4th and 5th grade students are being called to hospitals now, many working as volunteers, even from other grades. We really appreciate it. Some rightly feel concerned about the fate of teaching, and the uncertainty is also contributed by introducing non-standard procedures in their profession.

We still consider education and training for future occupations to be essential. To facilitate the situation, we have prepared a clear and detailed structure of subjects recognition and compensation, in the Simulation Center we also offer short courses of basic skills that can be usefull for helping in hospitals. There was also a discussion with student representatives and senators.

Thank you for your efforts. The situation requires more commitment from us than usual, but there is no reason to lose courage and enthusiasm.

Dean of the 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University doc. Martin Vokurka

19. 10. 2020

Dear students, colleagues,

At the moment, there is no systemic change in teaching settings, but there may be partial changes within individual workplaces or subjects, about which you should be informed in a timely manner.

We evaluate and monitor the epidemiological situation, as well as other possible measures of the state or university, as well as the situation at our faculty and its workplaces.

During this week, we will inform you more about the situation and the possible outlook for teaching for the next period, including the situation with the involvement of medics and other students in helping health care. Please follow the website and FB of the 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University.

Dean of the 1 st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University doc. Martin Vokurka



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